Monday, August 4, 2014

Trekking My Trash: SAVE THE MERMAIDS

I took on a week challenge for SAVE THE MERMAIDS to trek my trash for 1 week. The point of this challenge was to get a visual of how much of what garbage I am producing. Here's what I learned: 

The majority of my garbage was plastic, everything seems to come in it, even my organic foods which honestly doesn't make much sense to me. Plastic is everywhere, on everything and this is our biggest problem when it comes to our ocean friends. 

My second biggest garbage producer was liter and cat poop. I have 4 KITTIES which I adore but they produce a lot of waste. I've combed through many sites trying to find an alternative, and one option was to create compost out of it. I have also tried other litters like ceder, or sawdust, but none seem to be as effective as traditional clay litter. So I will continue my efforts on finding a solution to this problem. 

Overall, I don't produce that much garbage. I try to be attentive to what I am using and I try to avoid throwaway plates, cups, and cutlery. I reuse my VOSS glass water bottle, reusable bags when I shop, and never put my fruits or veggies in plastic bags at the grocery store. I recycle everything that I can, reuse, and keep everything electronically to avoid wasting paper. This challenge was definitely are reminder to make more of an effort, the seeds I plant today is how the world will blossom later and I want nothing but the best for generations to come.